Meditation, Satsang, and Online Events
Meditation & Satsang
Fourth Tuesday of the month, except December (January - November, 2025)
Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 22, May 27, Jun 24, Jul 22, Aug 26, Sep 23, Oct 28, Nov 25
Online satsang hosted via Zoom
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (PT)
For those of you interested in attending satsang at our “regular” Tuesday evening monthly time, we will be offering satsang on Zoom at the same time this month. Karen Wilsey, our Satsang Coordinator, will be Zoom hosting this satsang. If you are interested in attending, please click the link below to register your interest in receiving the Zoom meeting details that will be sent to you the day before the event. While this satsang is offered free of charge, should you wish to make a donation to Moon Mountain Sangha, we are happy to receive donations of any size via PayPal (donation link here) or mailed to:
Moon Mountain Sangha
1719 Union Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
Since this online satsang will be available to a larger group than generally come to the Unitarian Church in San Francisco on Tuesday evenings, we welcome new friends.
Flowing with Love’s River ~ Bay Area Daylong Retreat
A road might end at a single house,
but it’s not love’s road.
Love is a river. . . .
Date: Sunday, February 9, 2025 @ 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (with lunch break)
Format: in-person retreat.
Location: a private country home in Fairfax, California.
Event Description: Known or unknown, there is a river of Love flowing in the heart. It may appear as longing, seeking, laughing, weeping, birth, life, and death. Its current can turn our attention inward, burn our illusions, and return us Home. Sometimes it overflows the banks of pain and pleasure and delivers gratitude for even the most challenging moments. Its movement can be felt when we are touched by some small act of kindness. At times, we might run away, hiding from love, fearful of our vulnerability in the face of its power. Or we might try to demand love, or argue with love, not knowing we will lose. This river flows to the ocean of our essence, where our separation dissolves in its silent depths.
Please join Dorothy Hunt for an exploration of Love’s presence and spontaneous movement in our lives. This daylong will include guided meditation, silent sitting, satsang, poetry and discussion. Perhaps we may discover, in the words of Nisargadatta, that “Awareness is love in action” here and now–the awake Mystery that knows no “other,” and loves us unconditionally. To discover this love is to BE love.
Five-Day Silent Retreat with Dorothy Hunt at Vajrapani Institute
Date: Tuesday – Sunday, May 13 – 18, 2025
Format: Silent in-person retreat at the Vajrapani Institute
Location: Vajrapani Institute Retreat Center - Boulder Creek, California
Event Description: Retreat offers a powerful opportunity to open to the depth and silence of Being. It provides a time and space free of the usual demands of daily life to immerse oneself in Silence, to recognize and remember our true nature, and to investigate the implications of living from this truth. Retreat activities each day will include several periods of meditation and satsang, simple movement (optional), an easy karma yoga job, and free time. There will also be an opportunity to meet privately in dokusan with Dorothy. Except for dokusan and satsang, this retreat will be held in silence. Vajrapani Institute, the site for this residential retreat, is a beautiful Tibetan Retreat Center situated on 70 acres of redwood forest in the Santa Cruz Mountains. This rustic and remote setting features a dormitory building for men and women that includes indoor restrooms. With the exception of a special-needs shower, there are scenic shower stalls up a steep hillside walk. Tent camping is also available. For more retreat site information, you may visit
Click here to register! (Registration closes April 29, 2025)
Moon Mountain has a limited number of scholarships available for retreats. If you would like to apply, please fill out and send in the following form at least 2 months prior to the retreat for which you are applying.